About us
Our aim is to create a caring, collaborative, community of health and social care professionals creating a culture where everyone can feel safe, supported and valued; whether they are a user of the service, work in it, or, with it. We believe everyone benefits from feeling listened to, appreciated and supported in having their needs met.
Compassionate excellence
We understand that each and every person is unique, having their own individual influences and experiences which shape their needs and preferences. But we all share a common desire of wanting to have our needs met. We know that by applying an individualised approach to all our clients, focusing on the delivery of compassionate excellence, and their outcomes, will lead to a consistent quality of experience, for all our service users. We like to consider it as our winning formula for successful care.
Our Leadership Team
Here at Elborough, leaders, managers and staff strive for excellence through consultation, research and reflective practice.
Find out more about our members of our Leadership Team below:

Silindile Masilela
Silindile Masilela

Managing Director
Lindi Sibanda nee Masilela, as Managing Director of Elborough Care Services has strategic oversight of the business, taking accountability for its overall performance and ensuring the delivery of exceptional care. Lindi has been a Registered Manager for a 72 bed Psychiatric Hospital and has been qualified as a nurse since 2004. Throughout her career she has acquired a strong reputation for compassionate clinical leadership and management of multi-disciplinary teams. Her broad ranging experience includes the care of adults and children’s services in acute environments in the Independent Sector, NHS Trusts and Community Services, in addition to managing a healthcare recruitment business. She is uniquely positioned to share her wealth of expertise and experience to develop a forward thinking and inclusive community based care service and has the necessary qualifications, competence, skills and experience to manage the delivery of the regulated activity: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury which includes personal and nursing care.
Her leadership roles which include a registered manager for a 72 bed psychiatric hospital in the South West of England and Operations Director of a clinical employment company have required her to fully understand the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Part 3), relevant best practice and guidance while maintaining her clinical practice and safeguarding skills. This work has included the review of incidents, analysing trends and implementing safety actions as needed.
The experience of leadership roles held also enable her to lead by example and continue building communities of support and developing the skills of a workforce focussed on improving outcomes for people with complex needs. Lindi is also able to deliver Mandatory Training in Manual Handling, infection Control ad Fire awareness. In the past Lindi has, in conjunction with RETHINK, held the role of Regional Recovery Lead for the South West. In this role, Lindi coordinated and supported the Mental Health Providers in the region to meet and work together to improve the outcomes of mental health service users. Lindi is keen to participate in sharing her knowledge and experience for the good of the wider care community and utilise her experience of developing services to meet the changing demands of our population.

Nqabutho Sibanda
Nqabutho Sibanda

Director & Registered Manager
Nqabutho Sibanda is a Registered Manager and Nurse with 20 years post Registration experience. Nqabutho is an experienced Nursing Home Manager, highly accomplished in implementing operational strategies, attracting and retaining staff. He has expertise in putting people first, minding the business, acting with integrity and acting decisively to enhance the health of the Residents in his care. Excellent knowledge across a variety of care settings with sound knowledge of CQC Compliance standards, The Mental Health Act and Capacity Act.
Nqabutho is able to implement decisions necessary for successful outcomes and is a passionate and able leader who builds a good rapport with individuals, their families, professionals, employees and governing bodies. Nqabutho has experience providing staff supervision and training, to ensure compliance with company policies and procedures to effect high quality care.

Susie Toogood
Susie Toogood

Quality & Assurance Manager
Susie has over 8 years experience in a number of roles including recruitment and compliance, working across the health and social care sector, supporting both adults and children in a range of settings.
An outstanding people leader with a proven track record for achieving extraordinary results, Susie is a key advocate of staff development whilst driving organisation growth. In previous roles, she has been instrumental in achieving 'Outstanding' in CQC inspections for the services she supports.
Over the years, Susie has won a number of awards where her compassionate leadership style has been recognised and celebrated.
"Susie is the best in what she does, she is the best in motivating and supporting every team member. She is not a boss; she is a leader and that makes all the difference.” (Team member direct quote, when asked by Ecsell Institute the Coaching Effect)
“Susie is five years ahead of the company when it comes to leadership”.(Jo Andrews, Leadership Trainer @ The Training Rock)
Our three core values are at the heart of everything we do, from recruitment of our staff, to the people we support and our ongoing learning culture and continuous improvement.